Demagoguery, White Supremacy, and Resistance
Nic[o] Briere Aziz, Christy Chan, Nicólas González-Medina, Doug Hall, and Kal Spelletich
April 19th – June 7th, 2025
Opening Reception, Saturday, April 19th 6:00 – 9:00pm
Closing Reception, Saturday, June 7th, 2:00 – 4:00pm
More info to come
An exhibition of political art, registering the re-election of Donald Trump as an attempted authoritarian take-over of the country.
Nic[o] Briere Aziz, Doug Hall, Nicólas González-Medina, Christy Chan, and Kal Spelletich
Since the beginning of his second term as President, Donald Trump has undertaken a frontal assault on our political institutions, aimed solely at consolidating his power. He has actively undermined the rule of law and exploited his position for the enrichment of himself and his cronies. He has implemented loyalty tests, based on acceptance of the “Big Lie” that the last election was stolen, and he has initiated a radical racist, sexist, and homophobic ideological agenda, targeting the most vulnerable, marginalized people in our society, and subjecting them to extra-legal forms of discrimination and persecution.
As an exhibition of political art, this show aims to register the re-election of Donald Trump, as an authoritarian take-over of the country that we are watching unfold in real time. At the same time, the show adopts an historical lens on our current crisis, foregrounding the longstanding authoritarian tendency in American politics, from Huey Long to George Wallace and beyond; and it ties this tendency to the authoritarianism of white supremacy integral to our country’s history. That is, not only have authoritarian movements in America’s past been marked by their xenophobia and racism, but white supremacy itself has functioned as a too often unspoken, but nevertheless pervasive form of authoritarianism, plaguing the lives of people of color in this country.
Finally, the show aims to mark a site of resistance, platforming these artists’ voices as political protests – integral to their work as artists – and championing public activist opposition to the ever-present threat of authoritarianism, now taking hold of our society.
Clark Buckner, Curator
323 10th St. @ Folsom (SoMa), San Francisco, CA 94103
415-336-2349 | @tttelematiccc |