New Works by Kate Rhoades
October 27th – December 1st, 2018
Opening Reception: Saturday, October 27th, 6–9pm
Calfskin is a show of new experimental works by Oakland-based interdisciplinary artist, Kate Rhoades. The exhibition takes its inspiration from the gallery Telematic’s location, which once housed Stompers Boots, a staple of the SOMA leather community.
Responding to this history, Rhoades has built pleather video-sculptures, which take viewers on a fantastical trip through the 17,000 years of humanity’s sometimes mystical and sometimes brutal relationship with cattle. One of the videos includes a titillating rendition of the Ancient Greek myth of the Minotaur – played by celebrated actor and Taurus, Kevin Clarke.
Informed by both gay culture and bovine symbolism, Rhoades queers the species divide and reflects on the history of subjugation and abjection that animals, queer humans, and human-animal hybrids have shared.
Kate Rhoades, Calfskin, installation view
Kate Rhoades, Calfskin, video still, 2018
Kate Rhoades, Calfskin Still, 2018
Kate Rhoades, Calfskin Installation Shot
Kate Rhoades, Calfskin Installation Shot
Kate Rhoades, Calfskin, video still, 2018
Kate Rhoades, Calfskin, video still, 2018