Image Credit: Finger Flexor: A Hi-Feel Lo Tech Workout for the Mind-Body Conspicuous Contemporary Human, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, video still
Log In to Like or Follow
A Screening of New Media and Performance Video by Laura Gillmore, Faith Holland, and Laura Hyunjhee Kim
Thursday, February 27th, 7:00
Telematic Media Arts, 323 10th St. @ Folsom, San Francisco, CA
[Watch the complete screening: Here!]
Telematic is pleased to present Log In to Like or Follow, a screening of new media and performance video by Laura Gillmore, Faith Holland, and Laura Hyunjhee Kim, presented in conjunction with the exhibition, Life Hacks (and other embodied technologies).
The works in this show develop and expand upon the themes of the exhibition:
From the diets, exercise routines, make-up tips, and self-help psychology, proffered in lifestyle videos, Internet “how-to’s” and influencer promotions; to the cell phone apps, Smart homes, and other data-tracking technologies that now quantify and analyze everyday experience; contemporary televisual culture is rife with techniques, designed to help organize, manage, and ultimately give direction to life with the promise of greater efficiency and fulfillment.
The artists in this show take up and engage these “life hacks.” How have they, indeed, changed the way we live? What do they reveal about our values and aspirations in their conflation of techno-utopianism and the culture of self-improvement? How is their instrumentalization of everyday life tied to the appeal for popularity on social media and the ubiquitous commodification of the new economy? And how are they brought be bear, specifically, on the organization and experience of the body?
Self-Esteem is a Passion of Mine Laura Gillmore, TRT 2:00
Make Up Tips for Caucasian Women, Faith Holland, TRT 2:00
Fulfillment Box: Video for Instagram, 2018, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, TRT 2:50
Log In to Like or Comment, 2018, Laura Gillmore, TRT :45
Diary Dreams for Three, 2018, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, TRT 3:00
T2R Spring Sale, 2017, Laura Gillmore, TRT :45
Make Up Tips for Asian Women, Faith Holland, TRT 3:00
Swoosh, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, TRT :30
How to Fold a Napkin, Laura Gillmore, TRT 1:00
Analog Sentiment, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, TRT 8:48
Improving Non-Stop, Faith Holland, TRT 11:38
Auto Power Off / 자동절전 (Feat. DAD), Laura Hyunjhee Kim, TRT 1:00
Cold Soup Pubic Hair Raw Meat, 2017, Laura Gillmore, TRT 2:00
Woven Network in Lube, Faith Holland, TRT 2:57
AR Pony, 2020, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, TRT 1:20
Make Up Tips for Black Women, Faith Holland, TRT 2:58
Something Someone Lonely Would Say, Laura Gillmore, TRT 3:57
Finger Flexor: A Hi-Feel Lo Tech Workout for the Mind-Body Conspicuous Contemporary Human, 2019, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, TRT 9:38