Telematic Media Arts
A community sourced video installation, bridging the non/human divide
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 8th 6:00 – 9:00pm
Closing Reception: Saturday, April 5th, 3:00 – 6:00pm
Alicia Escott In-Conversation with Marthine Satris (Editor, Heyday)
Saturday, March 1st, 2:00 – 4:00pm
Seed: Workshop and Walking Tour of Cracks in SoMa’s Sidewalks
Saturday, March 29th, 2:00 – 4:00pm
Alicia Escott’s Metabolic Rifts: Touch Memory, is a multi-channel video installation, which works to redress the rupture in our relationship to the natural world, by playfully granting agency to plants - the artists’ non-human collaborators - and addressing them with the personal attention of a lover, a child, a parent, or a friend: kin.
Alicia Escott’s multi-channel video installation, Metabolic Rifts: Touch Memory, marks the culmination of a multi-year practice making art and cultivating community, while growing plants native to the dune ecologies of San Francisco’s Ocean Beach. Initially, she did so alone, seeding compost in discarded plastic bags with plants that provide homes to varieties of insects, including the extinct Xerxes butterfly. The resulting, informal, sculptural objects were both post-apocalyptic and hopeful, toxic and resilient. Seemingly suffocated by the plastic in which they were planted, the plants nevertheless blossomed and thrived. Propped upright in their bags, they furthermore resembled small figures with soil bodies and tendrils for arms. When Escott began filming them, she felt them reaching out to her. The work, she came to understand, was a collaboration with the seeds that she planted, now embodied in the almost interpersonal exchange of nurturing touch. Elaborating on this sociability, she initiated a series of workshops about native plants, compost, and the inherent possibility embedded within a seed– collaborating with Far Out West Community Dune Garden and other organizations – and she captured the interactions of other people with the plants in the series of videos that now line the gallery’s walls.
Hands reach out to touch the plants. Their tendrils reach back. The wind blows, animating the plants with gesture. They enter into dialogue with the movement of the human hands, themselves rich with revealing personality. They exchange caresses – variously cautious, delicate, flirtatious, entangled, and strong. Escott’s video installation works to redress the rupture between humanity and the rest of nature, since the advent of industrial capitalism – what Marx calls the “metabolic rift” – depicting our interdependence with nature instead as a playful reciprocity, a delicate dance full of joy and wonder. The work models an ethics of care in which the agency of the natural world is acknowledged with the personal attention of a lover, a child, a parent, or a friend, i.e., kin; while the audience, like the other participants in the project, are drawn into a project of collective creative inquiry and concern.
The flowers are beautiful, and the hands are too. But the piece is not therefore devoid of corruption and loss. The plants remain embroiled in plastic – another feature of our intermingling: nature polluted with our poison and waste. Indeed, as the ecology of the extinct Xerxes butterfly, the installation is riddled with the radical negativity of this absence, highlighting the strife in our relationship with the natural world, while reaching for its antidote in intentional touch. Presenting these living, embodied exchanges through the medium of video, Escott furthermore highlights the ever increasing mediation of our experience of “nature” through screens and technology - seductively distilling, all too neatly, our experience of the complex and entangled world we cohabitate.
Up-Coming Exhibition
Demagoguery, White Supremacy, and Resistance
Featuring works by:
Nic[o] Brierre Aziz, Christy Chan, Nicólas González-Medina, Doug Hall, and Kal Spelletich
April 19th – June 7th, 2025
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 19th, 6:00 – 9:00pm
Closing Reception: Saturday, June 7th, 2:00 – 4:00pm
Recent Artist Talk
Recent Publication
By Lauren Lee McCarthy
187 pages, 8”x 5”, full color, stitch bound paperback
Book Release and Performance: Sunday, Sept. 15th, 7pm in conjunction with Lauren’s performance at
The 2024 Gray Area Festival
2665 Mission Street @ 23rd
Buy the book: HERE!
Surrogate is an artist book, based on a pregnancy journal, which charts the progress of a performance project over the course of fifty-two weeks. Lauren Lee McCarthy offers her body to carry someone else’s baby while they monitor and control her with an app. For nine months they decide what she eats, what she does, what thoughts she meditates on — holding complete control over the body in which their baby is growing. As Roe v. Wade is overturned and gene editing opens entirely new reproductive futures, this project asks: How much control should we have over a birthing person’s body, and over a life before it begins?
Other Recent Events
Transgenomic Multi-Organisms
Co-presented by The Chimæric Mind and the CYLAND MediaArtLab
With morpheus personality Jean Gnome (Danielle Siembieda) in conversation with a Kquaanian–human hybrid (Alexandra Dementieva) and eMutagen-X (Adam Zaretsky)
Sandy Williams IV:
In Conversation with Leila Weefur
Co-presented by California College of the Arts, Film Department
Kurt Hentschlager
Laneya Billingsley
, aka, Billie Ocean
323 10th St. @ Folsom (SoMa), San Francisco, CA 94103
415-336-2349 | @tttelematiccc |